I spent Monday and Tuesday in the 10th, 11th
and 12th centuries. Kings,
Dukes, Earls all wanted the same thing – more.
More wealth, more land, more power, just more. Men and women participated in treachery, lies,
cruelty and general badness. One many
time great grandmother was so wicked that as she dressed for the day, four
knights stole into her castle and whacked off her head. I’ve about decided people haven’t changed too
much. I’m pretty sure it’s the same
today. Politicians, the ultra-wealthy all
want the same thing – more. Sigh.

Burgage. A plot of land rented from a lord or king.
Hide. A “hide”
was the area of land that one ploughman and two oxen could cultivate in a year –
between 60 and 160 medieval “old acres” or about 30 modern ones.
A March. A
provincial subdivision of a kingdom, originally measured by counting the days
required to march across it from one selected boundary line to another at the
Roman legions’ pace of 24-miles per day.
Domain. The
territory ruled by a “lord” which supported him and his vassals feudalis and generated
a surplus enabling him to “subsidize” the royal government according to the
king’s assessments.
Demesne. That
part of a domain which was retained by a lord for his own use, rather than
leased to sub-tenants.
Eyre. A
geographical circuit traveled by a justiciar, an itinerant justice of the peace
appointed by the king.
Honour. A feudal
domain, the total of all lands granted by the king to a nobleman to hold as a
fief (Anglo-Norman French “honur,”).
Hundred. A
division of an English shire consisting of 100 hides (see above).
Lathe. From Old
English laeth, meaning “district.” County Kent was divided into five Lathes.
Intermediate divisions of a county; a cluster of contiguous Hundreds. A Rape
was to have its own river, forest, and castle. Sussex County was divided into
six Rapes.
Riding. A
division of land in Yorkshire equivalent to a third of the county. Danish
Vikings having occupied Yorkshire in the 9th Century, “Riding” is derived from
Old Norse thriding, meaning “one-third.”
Shire. Originally
a county, headed by a shire-reeve, later the county sheriff. “Reeve” is derived
from “relieve,” as in to rob or plunder, a reference to the arbitrary taxes
collected by force by these officers of the king.
Hope this helps you out!
You never know when you might need one of these references!
Take care
Mabile Talvas de Bielême De Montgomery –
The lady that lost her head.
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