Wednesday, April 8, 2020


Day 807 of self-isolation. 

Okay, maybe not.  What with the necessity of self-isolation and lack of intelligent support from Washington DC, 807 days might be a too-few-days guess.

And, other than obey the directives of health care professionals and our Governor to stay home and obey social distancing, there’s nothing else I can do about COVID-19.  As for those in WA DC, I must wait until November.  Ranting does nothing but raise my blood pressure.

I feel like there are others that find the news and other information forms depressing.  Myself, I am watching and reading less.  My magic wand is not equipped for fixing world-wide emergencies.  (Really, doesn’t everyone have one of these – mine hangs on the wall for easy access.)

Therefore, the rest of today's post is filled with my back yard!  TA DA!  Not very exciting but pretty and not alarming or depressing.

 The False Indigo has started blooming.

 As well as the Nun’s Cap Orchid.

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
The flowers bloom first as purple (yesterday).
The next day that same bloom is pale lavender (today)
 and the next day it is white (tomorrow).

The Pinks (Dianthus) are looking nice.

Lookie!!  I have baby tomatoes!!

And, volunteers that have come up 
in my compost pile.

The Lantana is covered with tiny bouquets of 
pink and yellow flowers.

The begonias are beautiful.

Even the Elephant Ears are blooming.

Ugh!  Where did this come from?
Spiderwort – an invasive weed.

Purple Iris

 As well as the Louisianan Walking Iris.
So named because each flower forms
a new plant and they multiply all over the yard.

The Barbados Cherry hedge is
starting to bloom.  After this it will
make red berries.

The White Climbing Rose on my fence.

And, the Red Shrub Rose.

Damn, damn, damn!
Ants in my herb garden.

Something is digging in among the 
Ground Orchids – maybe a possum looking for grubs
or gods forbid, an armadillo.

End of tour.

And there goes the oven buzzer

Stay safe.  Stay healthy.
Stay positive.

8 Apr 2020


  1. that's day flower, not spiderwort. spiderwort has three petals and is more purple.

  2. Those flowers are beautiful and the cookies look so yummy too.
    Stay safe and healthy.

  3. Thanks for the tour of your flowers. And, which of you is older?

    1. possibly, maybe, could be --- me but only slightly!

  4. What a positive RIOT of beautiful floral colours!

  5. I appreciate your uplifting post. I needed that! How nice that you have a garden to putz around in. Digging in the dirt has always brought me calm and happiness.

  6. Beautiful!

    The news mostly consists of repetition so I've given up on it. And the huge numbers of deaths, I'm afraid, are becoming meaningless. Which sounds heartless but there's nothing we can do except obey orders and stay away from others. Big sigh.
