Wednesday, November 7, 2018


Adopt A Turkey Month
Farm Sanctuary, a nonprofit that works on saving farm animals from slaughter, has placed more than 600 turkeys into homes as pets through the Adopt-A-Turkey Project.  Aaand, Did You Know?  as they get older, turkeys can develop arthritis?  

Family Stories Month
Being the family genealogist, I regret not listening more closely, asking questions, and writing down memories voiced by my older relatives.  So, this month, take a few minutes to do that – listen, ask, write.  And, to any older relatives – write down those memories for your grands and greats.

Historic Bridge Awareness Month Link
We have one of those, a historic bridge, here.

National Peanut Butter Lovers Month
1.     In 1904 Beech-Nut became the first major brand to market and sell peanut butter
2.     Archibutyrophobia is the name for the fear of getting a big gob of peanut butter stuck to the roof of your mouth.
3.     Peanut butter is heart healthy, may reduce the risk of colon cancer, helps protect your memory, and is high in protein and potassium.

National Pomegranate Month
My baby Pom.  Grown from a seed, it has been slow to put on above the dirt growth but by next spring, I hope to put it in the ground where it will grow to be a good sized tree.

Teff and Millet Month
Millet is not just one grain, but the name given to a group of several diļ¬€erent small-seeded grains of which there are four most commonly cultivated.  Teff is a small grain that cooks quickly, using less fuel, thrives in both waterlogged soils and during droughts, and is relatively free of plant diseases compared to other cereal crops.

Plus, today, 7 Nov is:

International Merlot Day
International Stress Awareness Day
National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day

So, have a snack of chocolate covered almonds and a glass of Merlot to wash away your stress!

Take care

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