There are a couple other names for this plant - Queen of the
Night, Princess of the Night, Lady of the Night. And, the name, Night Blooming Cereus is a somewhat generic name in that it includes
several different genera with the same characteristic of blooming at night. Mostly though, they all look very similar.
I read that this particular cactus is grown as a houseplant –
well, unless you live in AZ or TX (my part of TX, that is). I’m not sure just how that would work or where it would
fit indoors because this is a tall, twiggy, somewhat untidy plant. The limbs can grow straight up or curve all
over itself. Plus, it could get to be as
much as 10 feet in length. I try to keep
mine cut back to a manageable size because, although it lives outdoors from
March to November, it does have to come inside during even our winter
months. In past lives, it has lived in a
greenhouse but currently it winters over in the garage with a light and
promises. During the season, I grow mine
in bright light – it gets the morning sun and is shaded during the hot
afternoon. Seems to do best for me that
way. Use a well-draining soil – I mix
pea gravel in the soil and a little sand.
And, if you cut yours back – save the cut limbs. Let them dry for a few days. Dip them in root hormone and stick in a pot
of dirt and, Eureka! you will have another cereus. They root pretty easily. The Cactus Guy tells me to fertilize them
with a slow release fertilizer like Osmocote.
According to those “in the know” the plants usually don’t
start blooming until they’re 5 years old (I always think that’s a +/- thing). The blooms on mine start forming in late
September on the end of a limb. One
expert said they put on buds when the nights cool down some. But others indicate they can bloom all summer.
So, take your pick just be aware, buds form
and grow very quickly. They open and
close also very quickly. And, if, if,
if, the planets are all in alignment, the universe is smiling, all is well with
the world (or at least at your house) when the flower is open at night, it can
be pollinated, and then it can (maybe) produce a fruit --- Dragon fruit. I’m not sure if all species will fruit or
only a specific one (or three) but mine have never produced anything other than
beautiful flowers. Still, DRAGON Fruit –
I have to work on this…….
FYI: Pollinators for NB Cereus
nectar-feeding bats act as pollinator for night blooming cereus like the
greater long-nosed bat, the Mexican long-tongued bat and pallid bat. OK whatever gets the job done.
Hmmmm, what else????
Well there is a Cantonese soup made with the dried flower of the NB
Cereus - lǎohuǒ tang. The fruit produced
is brightly colored and sweet to the taste.
The NB Cereus has a tuberous, turnip-like root which is said to be
edible. Good things to know, just in
case …..
Still, it’s an easy plant to grow and usually pretty
forgiving. The first picture was taken
in 2016. Then, we experienced THE GREAT
FLOOD OF 2017 and it sat under water for three days. Big sigh.
Was not a happy plant. But, with
pruning, positive thinking and moderate threats, it has come back.
Take care