Sunday, June 20, 2021

And the beat goes on …


I am fortunate – my brother-in-law mows the property where sits my house.  I have only to trail along behind with my little electric mower and get the places the riding mower can’t squirm into.  Today I thought I’d get a little ahead of him and was out early – 8AM - to do some mowing and other outside stuff.

The other stuff included pulling weeds, watering just a bit, and moving/replacing the heavy stepping stones that form a path in the back. 

We are having summer here.

Which means it’s very, very, very hot and humid

I came in when I reached this stage.


I’m tired of summer now.

Still have few flowers to show off, but here are the ones I do have blooming now

Texas Star Hibiscus

It’s a mallow but I don’t have a name from it.  It is as big as my hand.  (Mallows and hibiscus are closely related however, a mallow is heartier and although will freeze in even our winter, it comes back from the root.)

Pereskia grandifolia (Rose Cactus)

Night Blooming Cereus

One more little thing to leave you with –

Don’t laugh – I actually saw someone wearing these at our local farmer’s market recently.  OK – go ahead and laugh  hahahahahahahahaha!


20 Jun 2021


  1. Those summer cowboy boots are hilarious!

  2. Beautiful flowers and yes the heat is miserable! 🥵

  3. And the heat goes on.
    I truly am sorry for you, and hope you can escape to aircon.

  4. I love the flowers. And the cowboy sandals are hilarious.

  5. My ankles are sweating just looking about those "boots!" I'm sure glad that our temps aren't like yours since our air conditioner died...
